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Community Farm Fencing Weekend

Wow, what an amazing weekend! So many people coming together to contribute their time, effort and resource to put in the fence for Lyme Regis Common Ground Community Farm!

After several months of fundraising, we managed to raise over £1800 from our supporters to buy the chestnut fence posts – more expensive, but incredibly durable – and rent the machinery to put the posts in. Thank you so much to everyone who donated. Shout out to Fry & Son ( for providing the posts at such short notice, and massive thanks to AGW Groundsworks for hiring us the digger at a very competitive price. Special thanks also to the man who sourced and drove the digger - a local forestry worker and woodsman without whom we wouldn’t have achieved half as much as we did.

Our deepest gratitude goes to the amazing community of people who came together to make this whole event happen. The organisers absolutely smashed it, making sure people knew where to go and what to bring, as well as managing the fundraiser. We had an amazing bring-and-share meal around a bonfire on the Saturday night, that was only slightly marred by Cian and Graham’s home-grown goat curry having fermented before anyone could even taste it! Luckily, we were more than catered for, including freshly baked bread from our heritage grain grower, miller and baker. Yum!

Overall, it was two days hard graft (and it rained for most of the first day!) but I have to say that, looking back down the hill on the beautiful Sunday evening with the sun shining, and seeing this line of posts in the ground which, due to chestnut’s astonishing durability, are likely to outlive everyone who helped build the fence, I felt a peculiar sense of having contributed to something that will serve the community in and around the Harcombe Valley and Lyme Regis for generations to come.

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