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Thank you for your interest in The Common Ground Project! Together we can relocalise our food systems, reconnect to each other and the land, and create Eden on Earth.

Please watch these two presentations and fill out our Collaboration Form. The first presentation explains our origins, our land usage frameworks and our economic model. The second explains our Project Management framework and opens the floor for collaboration with these

models or the wider movement. Please use this information and share it as widely as you like, we offer it freely.


Existing farmers may wish to collaborate in enterprise stacking, closing loops, and shortening supply chains. If you’d like to collaborate with new entrants and those looking for land in your region, create Regenerative Settlement, facilitate local food networks, offer land for use, co-invest in land, connect with other land workers, or any number of other ways of facilitating a return to healthy local food and ecosystems, then please fill out our Collaboration Form and a Work Stream Lead will get in touch with you when data matches occur.

The Common Ground Project: Introductory Presentation

The Common Ground Project: Collaborative Potentials

If you’re ready to submit a land usage proposal for Lyme Regis Common Ground please get in touch via our contact form and we’ll be in touch.


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