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We would love you to get involved...

We are very excited to announce that our Community Farm Orientation and Workday Wednesdays are back!


Lyme Regis Common Ground Community Farm is a place where the community can work together to produce food, improve food security, connect with the land and other people in a meaningful way. Produce that you grow can be used by yourself or gifted. Any commercial sales made can offer yourself and the Community Farm and its Cooperatives an income, via our TAE economic system.


On Wednesdays we offer an orientation day for newcomers to ask questions and get to know

the farm. Once established on the Community Farm, you will be able to come and go as you

please (a bit like an allotment with less restrictions and more working together).


Wednesdays are also the day when we complete those tasks that are required by everyone

working at the Community Farm such as fencing and infrastructure improvements. 


Parking at the site is limited (for now) so walk or lift-share where possible, otherwise please use

the large lay-bys off the A35. On the day we'll take a break for lunch between 1 and 2pm. These

will be a combination of pack lunches and bring-and-share food.


Please bring:
- Appropriate footwear
- Gardening gloves if you like to use them
- All-weather clothing
- Any food and refreshments you might need for the day


Lyme Regis Common Ground is offering land on which you can grow, and cooperative systems for fair share of the produce. These are to be used at your own risk following your own risk assessments with any children being supervised by their guardian at all times. We take no responsibility for any losses or injuries of any kind.

We'll be working from 10AM - 5PM with a lunch break in the middle. Feel free to join for as much or as little as is comfortable.


If you need more information on a specific day, please contact Cian Willett-Dalglish, you'll find him in the facebook group. Alternatively email us at or use the contact form on the Contact us page.

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